26 July 2015

great captives

at one point in your existence you fall in love so hard... so hard that the mere thought of your love makes you breathless. the simple eye contact feels a slow choke that leaves a lingering impact in mind.

you are a prisoner of such feeling. it is dangerously addictive. the soft gracing of your love's kiss consumes your every being. the lightest touch of your fingers together haunts you to your sleep... in your dreams. the distinct scent creeps into your thoughts day and night.

love in its purest form is undeniably beautiful. the way it can overpower one's mind is in itself a phenomenon. the presence of your loved one is more than enough to keep your heart pounding rock hard.

i have fallen in and out of love and being in love is one of the best feelings one can endure. whilst it can hurt and potentially damage your entirety, it is truthfully a character-molder. it can never be placed in a certain box or any cookie-cutter shapes for each love in its varied degree has its own depth. 

tonight, we raise our glasses to all those who have loved and lost love, who are in love and falling in love. you are a fool to your own making and it is a f*cking amazing state to be in. whether you are clinking shot glasses, champagne glasses or beer mugs, we toast to us all who are great captives of our feelings.