10 October 2024


You were young and free

Eyes untainted and in glee.

The stars glow 

Underneath the shadow. 

Trinkets of hello kitty

You would get giddy.

Oh but in your youth

The sad reality and truth,

Crippled the innocent smiles

Thousands and thousands of miles.

The skies that used to be pink

Are now dim in a sudden blink.

It was not supposed to happen

A girl holding on so much burden.

You held on to a glimmer of hope

That one day you will cope.

Time made you stronger and beautiful

Steadfast and the past became minuscule. 

You exude quiet and calm confidence

Alluring humbly beaming oppulence.

Today when you close your eyes

Heart filled with love, blue skies.

More exquisite than before

Tears gone, happiness underscore.

The pink skies return

And only love governs.

The tides have turned,

Bridges unburned. 

How fortunate was I

To see the immense beauty, no lie.

You hold this subtle power

I am in a daze, no wonder.

Never have I imagined

My nonchalance is forgotten.

I am indeed beholden

A soulmate in you, I've woken.

You have found solace

No more fear you embrace. 

Every night when you close your eyes

It takes you to a paradise.

23 August 2024


our eyes meet
there's no denying
you and i are a hit
let's keep this going.

my attention is all yours
you're the target 
you and i are magnet
Oh honey this night is ours.

how do you like your drink?
you can relax, let the moment sink
let others see, how you and me
leaves a great memory.

no pressure on how things be
as long as every moment we have
we maximize and grab
every single opportunity.

i will make it your worthwhile 
ill keep in my pocket
your infectious smile
in this bed of flowers
you can stay even after hours.

06 August 2024

in another planet

Breathe. There's a jolt. There are spines. 
That's what you make me feel. 
I catch myself wanting. Longing.
But this is all I have. All I can get.

You smile, my heart skips a beat.
You worry, my angst it's a fleet. 
You need help, I jump the next opportunity. 
You laugh, I wish for longevity. 

Wrapped around your fingers.
You are everywhere, it lingers.
The day is long to wait.
The night longer, doesn't feel great.

You are north, I am south.
But in between I hope we both.
There's fire, you burn.
This is Earth, let's go to Saturn.

26 July 2015

great captives

at one point in your existence you fall in love so hard... so hard that the mere thought of your love makes you breathless. the simple eye contact feels a slow choke that leaves a lingering impact in mind.

you are a prisoner of such feeling. it is dangerously addictive. the soft gracing of your love's kiss consumes your every being. the lightest touch of your fingers together haunts you to your sleep... in your dreams. the distinct scent creeps into your thoughts day and night.

love in its purest form is undeniably beautiful. the way it can overpower one's mind is in itself a phenomenon. the presence of your loved one is more than enough to keep your heart pounding rock hard.

i have fallen in and out of love and being in love is one of the best feelings one can endure. whilst it can hurt and potentially damage your entirety, it is truthfully a character-molder. it can never be placed in a certain box or any cookie-cutter shapes for each love in its varied degree has its own depth. 

tonight, we raise our glasses to all those who have loved and lost love, who are in love and falling in love. you are a fool to your own making and it is a f*cking amazing state to be in. whether you are clinking shot glasses, champagne glasses or beer mugs, we toast to us all who are great captives of our feelings.

06 April 2015

fast forward to 2015

it is interesting how nearly 3 years have passed since the last time i made a post. if my memory serves me right, i knew that i would take this long to post purely because i was about to start my post-graduate studies and i know it would require commitment (translation: time management)

fast forward to 2015, so many things actually took place. i got engaged in 2014, completed my post-graduate degree at the University of Liverpool towards the 3rd quarter of the same year and early 2015 i got hitched! 

i've been to new york city, london (about a million times), edinburgh, birmingham, liverpool (practically around UK), paris, and lastly, bali. i've had tons of arguments with my then-fiance and now hubby. 

in other words, i've been to so many things. life has this fascinating way of swaying you around without you realizing that a lot have changed since then.

i no longer enjoy the very late night outs... i no longer enjoy the "all-weekend" out of the house gimmicks... 

i now highly require that i atleast have one decent day off at home. boring i know. i prefer to workout than to get drunk from sunset to dawn. i prefer to travel than to buy a ridiculously expensive car. i prefer to buy gold / diamond jewelries than to buy tons of trinklets. 

perhaps i have matured or became boring. whatever it maybe, it is just insightful to see how time can evolve a person.

09 August 2012


i know i shouldn't be listening to music right now especially during this Holy month of Ramadhan BUT i did try my best to abstain from my headphones, speakers, etc but spare me for having this song playing on my mind whilst i wait for the pudding to cook in the kitchen. then, i realized it has been a year since the last time i posted something decent well that too was my take on cooking. :-p

at 1:40 am, you'll understand why i call this earporn... 

30 August 2011

22 Days Before Eid Al Fitr - Days 21 and 22

and so the end is here. the final meals, desserts rather to make the list. one dessert is the easiest i have learned before for all those chocolate lovers while the other is again new to my kitchen experience.

i guess i don’t need to bore you anymore on how i made it but one thing is for sure, i enjoyed sharing the experience with you all (if I actually have readers out there). Oh well, this is already in cyberspace so whoever stumbles into it, i’m glad you passed by.

aside from my rumbles over getting too excited or failing to meet my cooking standards (as if), this month indeed was special. i believe i got closer to ALLAH and was able to reflect on so many things. couple of people ofcourse made this journey a memorable one.

this month’s blog would always be exceptional. i do not claim any expertise on cooking but i do love to cook.

my friends, EID MUBARAK to you all and please enjoy my last entries… chocolate mousse and lemon puddle pudding-souffle